The rust bucket of a truck bumps down the track towards the highway, and Robin and Rose’s eyes are fixed on the road ahead, him seeming to look for potholes that could crack the axle while actually keeping the spell strong, so she never thinks to look back.Before time came into existence there was only forever. Before the
us we’ve come to relate to—cell phone and air travel and debt—there was wilderness. Oceans, vast skies, mountain chains frozen or volcanic, seasons of swelter or snow, endless, unchainsawed forests, and the sídhe mound beneath roundhouse fortress known as Castle Pook. There was fear, explicable only through tales of wonder and monsters.
When Rose’s father is murdered, seemingly senselessly, Rose buries him in Ireland near the grave of her mother. With secrets being unearthed, of ancient magic, king’s legends, and horsehair talismans, Rose is thrust into a way of seeing the world—an understanding of love—she never would have thought possible if he had not died. A deal made with a faerie man long ago.Is anything random? Or is everything that happens predestined.
Who, after all, was her father?
The Legends of the Sídhe series is a
rewilded ecology in language contemporary mythology
.Final sound production: Motiv Music