Governed by Whimsy: The Anthology is a collection of short stories set in Forthright's Amaranthine universe. Before the Emergence, the clans were nothing more than whispers and mysteries and legends and lore. But every so often—in out-of-the-way places or shockingly close to home—an unsuspecting person stumbled into a fateful encounter with someone who was decidedly other. An eclectic collection, spanning continents and centuries. Tales of adventure, discovery, friendship, rescue, belonging, and love.
Marked by Stars: A wolf without a pack and a boy in need of roots become founders.
Followed by Thunder: One sister, a pure light that beckons, the other, a fierce light that burns.
Dragged through Hedgerows: He had one job. Becoming a family pet wasn’t it.
Governed by Whimsy: His whims drove off her predecessors. Her whimsy drives him to distraction.