
047 - 2019 Annual Review: 19 Things I did and did not do!

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It's almost the end of 2019, and before we dive into a new decade, I wanted to share my 2019 Annual Review with you, where I highlight my epic fails, lessons learned and all the awesome things that came out of this year.

This process of reflection is something I highly recommend BEFORE you dive into your 2020 goals.


Because in order to know what will work for you in 2020 you need to first understand the why, what and how of everything you did, didn't do and who you became this year.

Luckily for me, I captured my goals and intentions for 2019 in the very first episode of the Untapped Podcast where I shared 19 Things I Will and Will Not Do in 2019.

I also did it as two separate vlogs on my YouTube channel if you prefer to watch my entertaining videos.

And for the first time ever since putting it out, I have just looked back at these.

And I'm not gonna lie, it's not pretty.

I think I pretty much missed almost everything and there's a very good reason for that - because I never reviewed them!

So let me run through these quickly, and then give you a recap of what actually happened this year. And why it's totally fine with me that I missed so many of these 19 things.

I also reveal to you what really happened this year, I think you'll probably have a pretty decent understanding.

And I have a lot of compassion for myself in this moment as to why so many of these got missed, and even reading them now, I must admit, what the heck was I thinking?

In this episode you'll learnWhy reflecting on your year can help you envision what you want for the next yearWhat worked and what didn't work for me in 2019Why it's okay to not achieve every single one of your goalsHow to plan your ideal 2020

Podcast ResourcesTake a look back on my first episode of UNTAPPED where I made my list of 19 things I will and will not do in 2019
Check out the Plan Your Ideal Freedom Year course that will help you head into 2020 with crystal clear vision!
Learn more about how Life Pilot can help you to reflect regularly throughout the year
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