Mobile Marketing Success: The Essential Guide on Mobile Marketing Strategies to Help Your Business Reach More Customers and Increase Sales
We live in a world that is always on the go. And thanks to the advent of new technologies, we always take our ability to communicate with us. Mobile marketing isn’t exactly a “new” thing, but it does happen to be “the” thing. With social media being the big thing now, almost everyone has gone mobile. When industry giants recognize and cater to “trends”, they are no longer a trend but an ever-present reality. It takes on a number of different forms, ranging from the “simple” SMS text message all the way to full-fledged mobile apps and mobile-ready videos and commercials. Entire books could fill up the spaces in between.
This audiobook will teach you all about mobile marketing and how it can tremendously help businesses today. You will learn how to make the strategic move towards integrating mobile marketing into your overall marketing mix.
This audiobook will cover the following topics:
What Is Mobile Marketing?Today’s Mobile Marketing TrendsToday’s Mobile TechnologyFine-Tuning the Mobile Marketing WebsiteMSEO - Mobile Search Engine OptimizationSocially Mobile MediaMastering Mobile AdvertisingTactics for Targeting & Tracking Mobile MarketingProfits & Power - The Advantages of Mobile MarketingAnd much more!To learn more, download your copy of Mobile Marketing Success today!