Paul and Amy open the box that is Clive Barker’s 1987 supernatural horror film Hellraiser! They break down the movie’s portrayal of gender roles, propose that horror films are often heightened versions of fairytales, and discuss why it’s especially terrifying when the victims in a horror story have agency. Plus: We tally your votes for the newest additions to the API list!
Next week, our horror series continues with Jennifer’s Body! You can join the conversation for this series on the Unspooled Facebook Group at, and on Paul’s Discord at Learn more about the show at, follow us on Twitter @unspooled and Instagram @unspooledpod, and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify. You can also listen to our Stitcher Premium game show Screen Test right now at and apply to be a contestant at!