Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Rails 6.0.1 released, Why does my App’s Memory Use Grow Over Time?, The hidden cost of the Ruby 2.7 dot-colon method reference usage и Static Typing in Ruby with a Side of Sorbet
Prism - build frontend web apps with Ruby and WebAssembly, Introducing Skunk: Combine Code Quality and Coverage to Calculate a Stink Score, Tabulo - a terminal table generator for Ruby и Plugging in AnyCable (video)
Announcing TypeScript 3.7, Scaling WebSocket Connections using Shared Workers и Client-Side SQL Query Parsing with ANTLR
Build FFmpeg WebAssembly version (= ffmpeg.js): Part.5 ffmpeg.js v0.3 — pre-js and live streaming, Sharp - a high performance Node.js image processing, Tenko - 100% spec compliant JavaScript parser written in JavaScript и Proton - a Javascript particle animation engine