In life you will encounter lots of hardship that sometimes the easiest way to cope is to give up. In this book the author successfully narrate how a man can still search the meaning of life even in the saddest part of it. I reccomment this book to everyone specially those that are experiencing difficulties in diffirent aspect of their life.
Very interesting content
Helpful and meaningful.
Significantly wonderful. It's a must read especially in the times when the hardship of life hits us. It makes me see the world like the way Viktor Frankl sees it.
I was in junior high school when my dad gave me this book. I't was a hard time those days but finding the meaning of life helped me a lot. This is a beautiful book anyone should read a couple of times during life, it always becomes a great help.
Clear... Concise... Meaningful... Touches on the key take away from the summary that helped me deepen my understanding.