RWpod команда

22 выпуск 07 сезона. Ruby 2.7.0-preview1, Angular 8, Dependabot is joining GitHub, Phonelib, Graphsrb, Xstyled, Zdog и прочее

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Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:


Ruby 2.7.0-preview1 Released, Tests that sometimes fail и Ruby Pills: Enums Options
From capybara-webkit to Headless Chrome and ChromeDriver, Phonelib - a gem allowing you to validate phone number и Graphsrb allows to create simple directed and undirected graphs


Version 8 of Angular — Smaller bundles, CLI APIs, and alignment with the ecosystem, Dependabot is joining GitHub и 8 Useful JavaScript Tricks
Fix 85% of your Web Accessibility issues in 5 easy steps, Color contrast accessibility tools и Why we prefer CSS Custom Properties to SASS variables
Xstyled - consistent theme based CSS for styled-components, Scene.js is JavaScript & CSS timeline-based animation library, Zdog - round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG и Zoom-level - a comprehensive cross-browser package that allow you to determine page’s and element’s zoom level

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