Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Rails 6 adds ActionDispatch::Request::Session#dig, RubyGems.org and Chef Gem Ownership, Benchmarking Fibers, Threads and Processes и Start It Up: Improving JRuby’s Startup Time
TensorFlow - the end-to-end machine learning platform - for Ruby, RQRCode - a library for creating and rendering QR codes into various formats и Textmate 2.0
Storybook 5.2, Cheat sheet for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript, Profile a React App for Performance и Moving beyond console.log() — 8 Console Methods You Should Use When Debugging JavaScript and Node
SortableJS 1.10.0, Vue Select и Geometric.js - a JavaScript library for doing geometry