The Backpacker Murders /// Part 2 /// 331
Part 2 of 2
New South Wales, Australia - In the 1970’s Hitchhikers started to disappear. This continued for two decades. In the 1990’s they started finding bodies. This week we go down under and look at the largest manhunt in Australian history. Law Enforcement are still unsure of the true number of victims and the total number of killers. Join us as we hunt the Backpacker Murderer.
Beer of the Week - Cheer Team by 3 Floyds Brewing Company
Garage Grade - 4 and a half bottle caps out of 5
Here is a big cheers to this week’s sponsors!!! - Teach kids to be smart with money with a debit card for kids that parents manage with a handy app - Get 10% off your first month with discount code Garage
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