“Writing from the perspective of the “journey” rather than the “destination”, I can only hope these words resonate with people that are looking for a little guidance, but really struggle with traditional “self-help” frameworks.
A unique collection of concepts, ideas and practices that illuminated an increasingly important search for happiness, helping conquer my own crisis of consciousness and ongoing search for personal relevance; the deliberate act of which might just be the point of it all.”
Frank Matus is your consciousness coach and crisis conqueror; an expert communicator simplifying big concepts such as “responsibility” and “happiness”; helping people that strive for a deeper sense of personal well-being and a quieter mind. He is an international speaker, author, podcaster, commercial strategist, executive mentor and coach.
Frank highlights three “tenants of consciousness” from where to re-discover professional and personal happiness: Expectation, Responsibility, and Mindful Activity, without so much of the noise and hype that traditionally surround the “self-help” space.
For over 25 years, Frank has worked across a range of industries globally, contributing to the success of thousands of companies alongside the teams and individual personalities that support them.
Experiencing first-hand how professional success doesn’t automatically lead to personal happiness, Frank is on a journey to impart insight and guidance to people that hate the hype, but increasingly feel the need to reconnect with themselves, remember who they are and conquer their own crisis of consciousness.