Brenington is a suburban town known only for its prestigious, private college, Onore University. Students undergo a rigorous screening and admissions process before being accepted into the fold. When their rising track star collapses dead as he tries to clear the last hurdle, sports writer Cari Turnlyle suspects foul play. As she tries to dig deeper, she continually encounters obstacles. Within hours of the hurdler’s death, another member of the school’s athletic community turns up dead, leading Cari to turn to her childhood friend, Detective Genevieve Viacorte. But even Detective Viacorte refuses to acknowledge her theory.
Cari has always dreamed of being a front-page news writer. She can’t help but imagine that this could be her big break. As she struggles to toe the line of integrity and ambition, Cari starts to see her dream slipping away. The long-time lead reporter for the Brenington Beagle continually thwarts her progress, leaving her job hanging in the balance. Can she find the truth without losing her friends and her dream in the process?