Johann Brandtstadter returns home a weary man, tired of the bloodshed and horror that war brings. When he finds a dear childhood friend grown into young womanhood, he cannot help but claim her for his own.
At the turn of the twentieth century, life is changing and not necessarily for the better. Can Johann and his young bride find a safe place to call home despite the tension and mayhem of a world on the brink of war?
Mercies in Disguise is a prequel to the OUT OF AFRICA series and follows the journey of Johann and Lily Brandtstadter from their German Fatherland to the shores of America.
Subtle Sensuality
"Out of Africa" Series
Set in California during the late 1970s, the Out of Africa series covers the lives of John and Catherine Brandt along with a host of family and friends. Meeting the challenges of life with faith, hope, and love, this dynamic couple faces every day with a good dose of prayer, common sense, and humor.
Out of the AshesOut of TimeOut of DesperationOut of the PastOut of the BlueOut of ControlOut of TouchOut of OptionsAnd the prequel, Mercies in Disguise