“MAMA” is an emotionally charged drama-thriller set against the backdrop of the George Floyd protestsand civil unrest in Minneapolis, 2020. The story follows four interconnected lives: Arturo, a reformed gang member seeking peace for his daughter; Mariah, a young law student whose viral video of Floyd’s murder sparks global outrage; Kassandra, the estranged daughter of Minneapolis’ District Attorney torn between loyalty and justice; and Saabir, a conflicted Somali-American caught between his moral compass and his family’s survival.
As the city descends into chaos, each character faces life-altering decisions. Arturo struggles to protect his small world, risking a return to violence to shield his family and livelihood. Mariah, battling trauma and societal pressure, finds her voice as an emerging leader for justice. Kassandra is forced to confront her father’s complicity in the system while reconciling her privilege with the reality around her. Saabir, whose actions unknowingly ignite a wave of destruction, must grapple with guilt and responsibility in a fractured community.
The narrative weaves through the unrest, capturing moments of rage, grief, love, and redemption as Minneapolis becomes a symbol of both division and unity. Ultimately, “MaMa” explores how human resilience can emerge from tragedy, and how the fight for justice can transform lives forever.