
Priscilla Shirer

  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    Once I’m finished bringing my prepackaged matters to God’s attention, instead of ending things right there—as though I’ve dutifully delivered my report to Him and can now go on about my business as usual—I don’t. I resist the urge to jump to my feet just because “I’m done.” Sure, I might be done, but … what if God’s not? I’ve gotten a chance to talk—to share with Him what is on my mind. Why should I not at least allow Him the same courtesy? So I stop allowing what my mind is aware of to control the prayer time. I pray with my “spirit.”
  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    Rather than telling God things I already know, I invite Him to tell me things only He knows, things He wants to share with me by His Spirit. I allow the Holy Spirit to bring people and situations to mind that I wouldn’t normally think of. Then I pray for them and ask how I might be useful in ministering to these individuals personally, since that is quite possibly why He’s telling me about them in the first place.
  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    And if I’m ever to know what His thoughts are, they won’t come from my own self, my own words, my own talking. Only from listening. Listening in prayer. This is God’s turn to talk, and very frequently—when given the chance—He’ll do just that.
  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    What does this verse reveal to me about Him?

    What spiritual principle does it teach?

    Am I living in a way contrary to its truth?

    How does it relate to my present circumstances?

    How should I respond to what I’m contemplating?
  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    . I deal authoritatively with distraction by making a list of the stray thoughts, errands, or issues that keep presenting themselves so that I feel like I’ve dealt with them and can get back to the business at hand
  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    To hear Him, I must listen. Think. Concentrate on Him. Meditate.

    First, it is “me and Him.” I come to prayer conscious of myself, my need, my desires. I pour these out to God. Second, prayer becomes “Him and me.” Gradually I become more conscious of the presence of God than of myself. Then it is only “Him.” God’s presence arrests me, captivates me, warms me, works on me.
  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    Write down the current issues in your life that you need to discern God’s will regarding. As you go through this book, use your list as a reference.

    Scale back on what you will “do” during your devotional time so you can leave room to “be” with God.

    Deal authoritatively with distractions so you can concentrate on the task of listening. When something comes to mind, write it down and then set it aside.

    Allow for and accept “God margins” in all areas of your life. Relax instead of trying to fill in every space with your own ideas, decisions, and actions.
  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    Once you sense God might be leading you in a certain way, do these five things:

    Look for the MESSAGE of the Spirit. Intentionally take time to listen and pay close attention. Turn your thoughts inwardly as you earnestly seek God. Consider what you are sensing in your “gut.” Intentionally consider how your conscience is responding to the matter.

    Search the MODEL of Scripture for guidance. You do this in three ways. First, stay immersed in God’s Word so that your conscience will become progressively more sensitive to God’s standards. Second, carefully consider if what you sense you’re hearing contradicts the whole counsel or character of God as revealed in the Bible in any way. If it does, then the message cannot be from Him. Third, keep your eyes open when reading His Word for the moment when a Scripture just grips you, speaking directly and appropriately, even if surprisingly, to a particular circumstance in your life.

    Live in the MODE of prayer. Take what you’re hearing and direct it back to God. If an issue is troubling you or confusing you, don’t waste time and energy worrying about it. Take it up with Him in prayer and wait patiently and expectantly for His answer.

    Submit to the MINISTRY of Eli. First Samuel 3 chronicles the story of a young boy to whom God spoke. Three times Yahweh called out to him, and while Samuel heard someone speaking, he was unable to clearly discern who the voice belonged to. Only the mature and patient direction of Eli the priest helped Samuel realize that he was hearing from God. Seek the counsel of a mature believer. Talk to someone whose wise, biblical counsel you trust, and see if their advice mirrors what you’ve been hearing from the Word and from His inner witness.

    Expect the MERCY of confirmation. Look for God’s use of circumstances, Scripture, and other believers to confirm His direction for your life.
  • Shante Benjaminhas quoted8 months ago
    One of the best ways to discern the inner leading of the Holy Spirit is to watch how He continues to confirm His messages to you in ways only He could orchestrate, with shocking patterns of consistency.
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