Jade Adia


leavemealonehas quoted5 months ago
“Time for your final presentation.” A menacing dun-dun-dunnnnn echoes in the shallow cavity of my brain where my mental preparedness for this situation should be.

“Actually, I already presented,” I reply confidently. Naturally, this is a lie. It is a stupid lie because everyone was here, so they know that I’m lying, but it is also so blatantly stupid of a lie that it casts just enough doubt to make Mx. Ferrante double-check their notes. They glare back at me, as if to ask if I really thought that dumb trick would work. I shrug, resisting the urge to point out that it almost did
leavemealonehas quoted5 months ago
What are your goals for this summer?”

Ah, the dreaded “goals” question. Teachers love this one. Fortunately, this is actually a question that I can answer. This summer, I’m going to live out every young girl’s fantasy and build the emergency fallout shelter of my dreams
leavemealonehas quoted5 months ago
Are you depressed?”

I shrug. “Just the normal, age-appropriate amount.”

It’s hard to know how others feel, but I’m certainly walking around life with a full plate of anxiety plus a side of depression and a scoop of OCD for dessert
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