Mr. Thornton was a good deal more surprised and discomfited than she. Instead of a quiet, middle-aged clergyman, a young lady came forward with frank dignity,—a young lady of a different type to most of those he was in the habit of seeing.
Flying Cathas quoted10 months ago
Mr. Hale's over-praise had the usual effect of over-praise upon his auditors; they were a little inclined to rebel against Aristides being always called the Just.
New Neverlanderhas quoted2 months ago
. In short, whatever does become of the gentlemen, they are not at Cranford.
Nast Huertahas quoted3 months ago
for kindness (somewhat dictatorial) to the poor, and real tender good offices to each other whenever they are in distress, the ladies of Cranford are quite sufficient. “A man,” as one of them observed to me once, “is so in the way in the house!”
Nast Huertahas quoted3 months ago
We none of us spoke of money, because that subject savoured of commerce and trade, and though some might be poor, we were all aristocratic.
Nast Huertahas quoted3 months ago
If we walked to or from a party, it was because the night was so fine, or the air so refreshing, not because sedan-chairs were expensive.
Nast Huertahas quoted3 months ago
“I consider it vulgar, and below the dignity of literature, to publish in numbers.”
Nast Huertahas quoted3 months ago
had the appearance of a strong-minded woman; although she would have despised the modern idea of women being equal to men. Equal, indeed! she knew they were superior.
Nast Huertahas quoted3 months ago
since my dear sister’s death I am well aware I have no attractions to offer; it is only to the kindness of my friends that I can owe their company.”
Nast Huertahas quoted3 months ago
and so, after dessert, in orange season, Miss Jenkyns and Miss Matty used to rise up, possess themselves each of an orange in silence, and withdraw to the privacy of their own rooms to indulge in sucking oranges.