Elizabeth Manson Bahr

I grew up in Kenya and on the Pacific island of Fiji. I went to schools in Fiji, Kenya, the UK and Europe, and did a degree in French and Spanish at Tulane University in New Orleans in the USA. As part of my course I spent some time at Mexico City University. This was high-octane stuff to a college junior. There were student protests. Statues were blown up. Many of my tutors were refugees from Franco’s Spain and we spent more time on politics than literature. My first bus journey to the University proved terrifying as men fought to buy my ticket (well I was young, blond and gringa). And then there were the Aztecs. I told myself that one day I would write their story.It took a long time. I moved to London and earned my living. And then I decided to try my luck illustrating. I had always drawn and painted. I put together a range of designs, called myself Bizzie Lizzie Cards, and went for advice to a buyer at one of the largest stationers in the UK, and, yes reader, you’ve guessed, I ended up marrying him. Not only did I get the man, but my animals sold all over the world. I illustrated a children’s book and designed kitchen textiles. This was fun. It did not seem like work, so I forgot about the Aztecs although I never lost interest and read widely on the subject.
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