It can record a single major event, an insight, a plan
Priyanka Parashuramanhas quoted2 years ago
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards is highly recommended. In it she shows how a person can dramatically improve their skills by letting the intuitive side of the brain take over
Mc Melihas quotedlast year
This is the one-sentence diary.
Writing one sentence a day is a simple way to reflect on the current state of your life.
Mc Melihas quotedlast year
More likely you will find that the removal of the obligation to ‘keep a diary’ will allow you the freedom to write something truly meaningful
Mc Melihas quotedlast year
But what about going to bed earlier and getting up earlier?
A bedtime at 10.30 means rising at 5.30 – or, if you need less sleep, even earlier.
Mc Melihas quotedlast year
Getting up earlier brings definite benefits. After waking and dressing you have an appreciable amount of time to yourself before you need do anything at all.
Mc Melihas quotedlast year
Getting up earlier brings definite benefits. After waking and dressing you have an appreciable amount of time to yourself before you need do anything at all.
Mc Melihas quotedlast year
, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards is highly recommended.
Mc Melihas quotedlast year
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards is highly recommended.
Mc Melihas quotedlast year
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards is highly recommended.