Ana T. Forrest is an internationally recognized pioneer in yoga and emotional healing. Her own trauma and life experiences have formed the foundation from which Ana created Forrest Yoga—a distinct approach of using yoga to address today's physical and emotional challenges with a highly developed understanding of the human body and psyche. Ana challenges her students to access their whole being, and to use Forrest Yoga as a path to track, find and clear the emotional and mental blocks that reside within their bodies and that dictate and limit their lives.With more than 35 years of experience teaching yoga, Ana Forrest is a living example of a teacher and healer who has freed herself from the strictures of trauma and habits and has chosen a warrior's path of truth and compassion. Ana became a certified yoga instructor at the age of 18, is an ordained practitioner of Native American medicine, and has studied Polarity Therapy, Acupressure, Homeopathy, Hands-on Healing, Shiatsu, Chiropractic, Martial Arts, Psychotherapy, and Regression Therapy.With Ana's meticulous guidance, students cultivate an acute awareness of their own practice and life process, creating a unique and powerful opportunity for them to make practical life decisions based on their own experiences. She says, "In teaching Forest Yoga, I am doing my part to 'Mend the Hoop of the People,' to inspire people to clear through the stuff that hardens them and sickens their bodies so they can walk freely and lightly in a healing way—in a Beauty Way." Attaining a global reach for her life mission, Ana teaches around the world, throughout the year. She is a contributing expert to Yoga Journal and other national and international wellness publications.