
Tara Westover

  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    There’s a family not far from here,” Dad said. “They’re freedom fighters. They wouldn’t let the Government brainwash their kids in them public schools, so the Feds came after them.” Dad exhaled, long and slow. “
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    g about it was, “Next time, it could be us.”
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    g about it was, “Next time, it could be us.”
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    authority. She had no license, no certificates. She was a midwife entirely by the power of her own say-so, which was more than enough.
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    This is a calling from the Lord,” he said. “And sometimes the Lord asks for hard things.”
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    There was nothing he hated more than our being
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    dependent on the Governmen
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    Midwifery was not illegal in the state of Idaho, but it had not yet been sanctioned. If a delivery went wrong, a midwife might face charges for practicing medicine without a license; if things went very wrong, she could face criminal charges for manslaughter, even prison time. Few women would take such a risk, so midwives were scarce: on the day Judy left for Wyoming, Mother became the only midwife for a hundred miles.
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    Mrs. Someone-or-other was having premature contractions, she needed a bath in ginger to increase the supply of oxygen to the uterus.
  • b8001871515has quoted2 years ago
    the art of shutting up.”
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