Both the beauty and the impact of this holistic thinking tool lie in its simplicity. On paper, it is a colourful visual diagram used to capture information.
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
It activates “whole-brain” thinking, engaging both the logical left-hand side of the brain and its creative right-hand hemisphere.
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
She argued that the brain has two ways of perceiving and processing reality: the left side of the brain is verbal and analytical, while the right side is visual and perceptual.
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
She argued that the brain has two ways of perceiving and processing reality: the left side of the brain is verbal and analytical, while the right side is visual and perceptual.
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
Thick branches radiating out
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
. A single key image or word
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
placed on each branch.
Step 1
Place the sheet of paper
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
Place the sheet of paper in front of you in landscape format (i.e. horizontally). Next, use at least three different colours to draw an image in the very centre of the paper that represents the subject you would like to consider