Barbara Meiklejohn-Free

  • dariadiahas quotedlast year
    Cauldron reveals… You are on the wrong path. Look to see what truly fuels your passion. Don’t worry about letting anyone else down. Take steps towards following your life’s purpose.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Dice reveals… Unleash your daring side. It is time for adventure. You are on a winning streak. The odds are stacked in your favour. A happy outcome is assured. Regain your confidence.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Stream reveals… Trust your intuition and psychic abilities. Caution will ensure a satisfactory outcome. Your feelings are telling you the truth. Your body is sensitive to toxins. You are fatigued and irritated due to dehydration. Drink more water. Exercise your body through gentle swimming. Take a vacation to the sea, go white water rafting, canoeing or sailing.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Peacock reveals… You will receive good news. Be true to your uniqueness. Wear bright colours. Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd. Others look to you with respect and sometimes envy. Beware of a copycat admirer.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Staff reveals… Be aware of your connection to the Axis Mundi. You are being called to train as a high priest/priestess, or similar, of your chosen path. You are facing a situation that requires strength. Shine your light brightly. Work in harmony with the Earth. Stand strong in your full power.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Rose reveals… Love and romance comes your way. You have a secret love. Connect with the divine love that comes from Source. Your heart is healing. Work with flowers.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Raven reveals… Time for celebration. There is someone you need to appease. Make efforts to keep the peace. You will receive an unexpected visitor. Beware of deceivers. Become who you truly wish to be. You are safe.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Faeries reveals… Spend some time in nature. Listen to uplifting music. Smile at strangers. Laugh at your mistakes. Release judgement. See the joy and magic in all that is around you. Have some down-time. Take a Yoga-laughter class. See through the eyes of a child. Climb a tree, swim, ride a bike. You are the life and soul of the party.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Stork reveals… There is news of a birth or pregnancy. This is a good time to begin new projects. You are on a creative streak. You will be receiving a wonderful idea – fly with it.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Stonehenge reveals… Visit a megalith site. Celebrate and honour the seasons. Connect with your inner wisdom. The Druidic traditions call to you.
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