Deborah Smith

  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    It is the law of nature that what goes up must come down,

    and so people gradually train their sights

    away from worldly success and on happiness

    in learning, volunteer work, friendships, and spiritual practice.
  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    We don’t become wise by thinking more.

    When our mind becomes relaxed and open,

    we suddenly have a brilliant new idea.

    Trust the wisdom that exists in silence,

    and rest your hardworking mind for a
  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    there are nine good things and one bad thing in our lives,

    we’ll expend more energy focusing on the one bad thing

    than on all that good.

    This is a habit left over from primitive times,

    when our ancestors needed to be

    constantly on the lookout for danger.

    If you discover yourself focusing on the bad, tell yourself:

    “It’s not the prehistoric era anymore.

    Worry about bad things when they happen, not before.”
  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    When flowers wilt,

    when the sun sets,

    when a person’s life ends,

    even in our deep sadness

    we learn the wisdom

    to understand and accept life

    and learn the humility

    to forgive others and ourselves.”

  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    When we become kinder to ourselves,

    we can become kinder to the world.
  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    The true winner is the one who is happy with his life.
  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    If you think and worry too much before doing something,

    “your boat goes to the mountain instead of the ocean.”

    Now and then it is necessary to trust your intuition

    and push ahead in the direction you feel is appropriate.
  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    Parents, please teach your children that

    abusive language or violence toward the weak

    is wrong under any circumstances.

    It is also wrong to delight in someone else’s pain.

    If you wish for your child to grow up to be decent,

    do not countenance such behavior.
  • ritahuhas quoted2 years ago
    Instead, offer your help to the weak and powerless,

    or make an honest effort to model important values,

    such as honesty, compassion, dedication, and tolerance.

    Do your best to give your children someone to look up to.
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