the day I married Braden, if someone had told me that my prince would become a monster, I never would have believed it. I would have said no, that is not the direction in which the fairy tale goes. But there is a vast canyon
Muhammad Ikhmal Bin Rosalihas quotedlast month
the day I married Braden, if someone had told me that my prince would become a monster, I never would have believed it. I would have said no, that is not the direction in which the fairy tale goes. But there is a vast canyon
Muhammad Ikhmal Bin Rosalihas quotedlast month
I think about my history with Braden. Is what happened between us a secret, in the way that the nuclear codes are secret? Or is it private, in the way that—painful as the facts are—this is history that belongs to me, and is mine to reveal?
Muhammad Ikhmal Bin Rosalihas quotedlast month
Something in me wants to tell these people, I am like Elizabeth. I am like Lily. I am like a lot of women in the world who choose to conceal something; who live in fear of what might happen, if the exact wrong person ever found out.