Verlyn Klinkenborg

Verlyn Klinkenborg is a member of the editorial board of The New York Times. His previous books include Making Hay, The Last Fine Time, and The Rural Life. He lives in upstate New York.


b9467627432has quoted2 years ago
You were being taught to write as part of a transaction that had
Almost nothing to do with real communication,
b9467627432has quoted2 years ago
You were also learning to distrust the reader and yourself.
b9467627432has quoted2 years ago
And to use passive constructions, which absolve everyone of responsibility.
What’s a metaphor in the prose you were taught to write?
A stage prop, a paraphrase, a clarification, at best,
Nearly always cumbersome, bordering on cliché,
Almost always timid, rarely serious, usually self-conscious,
Drag & drop your files (not more than 5 at once)