
Stephen Guise


Blagoje Mirosavljevichas quotedlast year
Perfectionism causes some of life’s worst mental problems because it makes life’s imperfections into bothersome, intimidating, and unsurpassable roadblocks. Perfectionists are driven mad or frozen in place by the chasm between desire and reality, which impairs their ability to progress and enjoy life
Blagoje Mirosavljevichas quotedlast year
The fear of failure is not something we want to show to the world, but it can still drive our actions.
Blagoje Mirosavljevichas quotedlast year
The premise of imperfectionism—and this is key—is that having lower standards does not equate to getting worse results. A common, false assumption is that aiming for perfection gets you closer to it. The opposite is true: Embracing imperfection will bring you closer to perfection than a perfectionist mindset will.
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