Amy Marlow-MaCoy LPC

  • Lisahas quoted9 months ago
    You deliberately misinterpreted what I said.” This phrase casts blame on the victim for not reading the gaslighter’s mind and implies the victim distorted the gaslighter’s “innocent” intent.
  • Lisahas quoted9 months ago
    You know how I feel about that and you did it anyway, so the way I’ve reacted is your own fault.” This phrase implies the victim antagonized the gaslighter, justifying their abusive behavior in response.
  • Lisahas quoted9 months ago
    That never happened.” Denying a victim’s memories and experiences confuses and disorients them. Gaslighters also discredit victims to others by denying events or claiming to have no memory of them.
  • Lisahas quoted9 months ago
    You sound crazy.” Rejecting someone’s feelings or beliefs as sounding crazy triggers self-doubt and anxiety in victims.
  • Lisahas quoted9 months ago
    You are too sensitive. You need to grow a thicker skin.” Per
  • Lisahas quoted9 months ago
    Abusers may also target individuals who appear confident, successful, wealthy, or attractive. They are drawn to strong, confident people. Manipulators draw people in through a process called “lovebombing”—showering potential victims with affection, praise, and psuedo-intimacy. Once victims are hooked, the gaslighting begins and abusers begin to break
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