Tamsyn Muir

  • Bluehas quotedlast year
    She didn’t run. Gideon never ran unless she had to.

    Yo cuando se me pasa el camión

  • escape from the ordinaryhas quotedlast year
    She gave a rather brusque hand-wave to the geriatric fan club behind her and they scattered: tottering, kissing the floor and rattling both their prayer beads and their unlubricated knee joints, disappearing into the darkness and down the tier.
  • escape from the ordinaryhas quotedlast year
    IT WOULD HAVE BEEN neater, perhaps, if all of Gideon’s disappointments and woes from birth downward had used that moment as a catalyst: if, filled with a new and fiery determination, she had equipped herself down there in the dark with fresh ambition to become free. She didn’t. She got the depression.
  • b5834347051has quoted2 years ago
    There were metal ladders going down into the pit, but why would you though.
  • Alison Reynosohas quoted3 months ago
    Two is for discipline, heedless of trial;

    Three for the gleam of a jewel or a smile;

    Four for fidelity, facing ahead;

    Five for tradition and debts to the dead;

    Six for the truth over solace in lies;

    Seven for beauty that blossoms and dies;

    Eight for salvation no matter the cost;

    Nine for the Tomb, and for all that was lost.
  • reggiehas quotedlast year
    Gideon let herself rest on the apex extension of her arms, staring down sightlessly at the cold floor, the sweat frosting on her back.
  • reggiehas quotedlast year
    “Whoo,” she managed, scrubbing away tears of mirth. “Oh damn. Give me a moment. Okay—like hell I will, Nonagesimus.”
  • reggiehas quotedlast year
    Gideon said aloud, “Your parents must have been so relieved to die.”
  • reggiehas quotedlast year
    Gideon could only see the back of his head, but he kept looking at the girl who’d basically clouted him like a whipped dog, the arrogant line of his head and shoulders drooping.
  • reggiehas quotedlast year
    Her necromancer’s mouth was still puckered up with a sourness that would’ve impressed a lemon, but she asked abruptly:
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