Jill Ramsower

  • Ojasvihas quoted2 years ago
    “A show? Do I strike you as some kind of actor? Because I’m pretty sure you coming on my tongue and fingers was as real as it fucking gets. I told you this was more than some goddamn arrangement.”
  • Ojasvihas quoted2 years ago
    you’re mine, and I’m yours.”
  • Ojasvihas quoted2 years ago
    “And what did you find?” I asked, endlessly curious of his early thoughts about me.

    “That if they thought you were traumatized, they didn’t know the meaning of the word.”
  • Ojasvihas quoted2 years ago
    Better to get what I needed than what I thought I wanted.”
  • Ojasvihas quoted2 years ago
    Look at me, Noemi,” Conner coaxed, his voice a sensual caress. He only continued once his eyes were again on mine. “I can’t speak for the men you’ve known in your life, but that shit doesn’t fly in my world. If you’re mine, I expect to be the only man in your bed; the same goes for me. If their flirting bothers you, I’ll put a stop to it. I don’t want any question in your mind as to my faithfulness.”
  • b4153725320has quoted2 years ago
    Three letters. Two words. One life forever forfeited.
    As a man, Conner was given freedoms in this world that a woman could only dream of. He was committing himself, but not to the same degree as me because he’d already accepted a life in the criminal underworld. By walking down that aisle, I’d sealed my fate in more ways than one. I swore to myself at that moment that I wouldn’t let it be in vain. I would use whatever power I could acquire from my marriage to take down my father.
    That was what I focused on when I said I do.
    The silent vow may not have been spoken aloud, but it felt just as monumental as the oath to my new husband.
    “You may kiss the bride.” The priest’s jovial proclamation yanked my attention back to the present just as Conner’s lips descended upon mine, one hand pulling me close against him, the other cupping the back of my neck firmly as though he thought I might bolt.
    Running was the last thing on my mind. I was too busy trying to comprehend how a chaste kiss in front of an audience could feel so damn erotic. The firmness of his demanding lips. The gentle way he bent me beneath him, keeping me slightly off balance.
    But the coup de grâce came at the end of the kiss.
    Keeping our lips together, he whispered a single word.
    The celebratory quartet launched into a joyful song, filling the church with music. The crowd rose to their feet and clapped while the priest announced us as man and wife. All the while, my head spun with disbelief as that one word echoed in my head.

    Trei litere. Două cuvinte. O viață pierdută pentru totdeauna.
    Ca bărbat, lui Conner i s-au dat libertăți în această lume la care o femeie nu putea decât să viseze. Se sinucide, dar nu în aceeași măsură ca mine pentru că deja acceptase o viață în lumea interlopă criminală. Mergând pe acel culoar, mi-am pecetluit soarta în mai multe feluri. Mi-am jurat în acel moment că nu voi lăsa să fie în zadar. Aș folosi orice putere aș putea dobândi din căsnicia mea pentru a-l doborî pe tatăl meu.
    La asta m-am concentrat când am spus că fac.
    Jurământul tăcut poate că nu a fost rostit cu voce tare, dar s-a simțit la fel de monumental ca jurământul față de noul meu soț.
    "Poți săruta mireasa."Proclamația jovială a preotului mi-a atras atenția înapoi spre prezent, la fel cum buzele lui Conner au coborât asupra mea, o mână trăgându-mă aproape de el, cealaltă m-a cuprins ferm ceafa de parcă ar fi crezut că aș putea să fug.
    Alergatul a fost ultimul lucru la care mă gândeam. Eram prea ocupat încercând să înțeleg cum un sărut cast în fața unui public se putea simți atât de al naibii de erotic. Fermitatea buzelor sale exigente. Felul blând în care m-a aplecat sub el, ținându-mă ușor dezechilibrat.
    Dar lovitura de stat a venit la sfârșitul sărutului.
    Ținându-ne buzele Unite, a șoptit un singur cuvânt.
    Cvartetul de sărbătoare s-a lansat într-un cântec vesel, umplând biserica cu muzică. Mulțimea s-a ridicat în picioare și a aplaudat în timp ce preotul ne-a anunțat ca soț și soție. În tot acest timp, capul mi s-a învârtit de neîncredere în timp ce acel cuvânt mi-a răsunat în cap.
    A mea.

  • Hala Ewidahas quotedlast year
    “I love you, Conner Reid.”
  • bangtanakeishahas quoted8 months ago
    Conner was speaking to my father, but I could only hear the hypnotic undertones of his deep voice because my ears were ringing so loudly. Then a firm hand slowly clamped down over my bouncing knee, forcing my body to stillness.
  • bangtanakeishahas quoted8 months ago
    When she walked into the dining room in that dress hugging her sleek curves, something deep inside me stirred awake. Something primal and raw.
  • bangtanakeishahas quoted8 months ago
    “My name. Say it,” he ordered softly.

    I didn’t understand what this was about, but for the briefest second, I would have given him anything if it meant keeping him close.

    “Conner,” I breathed.

    “Fuck.” The violent curse tore from deep inside him before he claimed my lips with unrestrained savagery.
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