After all, my mother always said that the only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead.
Angelica Elaishahas quoted5 months ago
She’s been my best friend for five years! But now that Maria is around, it’s like I can’t do anything right in her eyes.
Ellahas quoted3 months ago
How can you get rid of a book? That’s like throwing away knowledge.
Ellahas quoted3 months ago
Boris and Mr. Petrovich converse for another few minutes while I stand there on the brink of tears. “Nyet!” I hear Mr. Petrovich say.
“What did he say?” I ask.
Boris at least has the decency to look apologetic. “He says his chest hurts.”
Ellahas quoted3 months ago
“I bet the boys just love you.”
“Not really.” And I can’t help but think of Sexy Surgeon.
Ellahas quoted3 months ago
“We’re going to live dangerously for a change.”
Ellahas quoted3 months ago
The phone is sitting on Mr. Sanchez’s night table, the speakerphone filling the room with the music of Taylor Swift, the same song over and over. I am starting to believe that we are never, ever, ever going to get that translator on the phone.
Ellahas quoted3 months ago
Whenever someone starts a sentence with “no offense but,” it means they’re going to say something really offensive. I hate that phrase. No offense, but if you say that, you’re a jackass.
Ellahas quoted3 months ago
“Jane, you are my kind of woman.”
Ellahas quoted3 months ago
it’s Sexy Surgeon. He’s standing at the door to the roof, still looking sexy as all hell in his blue scrubs