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Danielle Girard

Almost two decades ago, Danielle decided she wanted to try to write a book. She set out to write something sweet, maybe even romantic, but on page 5, someone got shot and it's been that way ever since. The Barry-award winning author lives with her husband, who is careful never to lurk in dark corners, and their two children. They split their time between San Francisco and the northern Rockies. The FIFTH in the Rookie Club series, EVERYTHING TO LOSE, is NOW OUT!EVERYTHING TO LOSERookie Club Book #5Featuring Sex Crimes Inspector Jamie VailWhen the daughter of San Francisco socialites Gavin and Sondra Borden is brutally assaulted, Jamie Vail makes it her mission to find the attacker. A seasoned Sex Crimes Inspector with the SFPD, work is what Jamie does best. She isn't distracted by the fact that her adopted son and the victim go to the same school.Jamie can almost set aside that the man caught on tape with the victim is a man she's been wary of for years, her son's biological father. At home, her son is performing poorly in school, becoming more reclusive, and nothing she does can draw him out. Every piece of evidence seems to bring her closer to home. Desperate to be wrong, Jamie must find Charlotte's attacker before her son lands behind bars, or worse...STAY TUNED for EXHUME, book #1, Schwartzman, M.E. Series, SPRING 2015!
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