John Forster was an English biographer, a critic and a Charles Dickens' friend.He contributed to "The True Sun", "The Morning Chronicle" and "The Examiner", of which he was literary and dramatic critic. His "Lives of the Statesmen of the Commonwealth (1836-1839)" published in 1840 obtained immediate recognition, making Forster a prominent figure in a distinguished circle of literary men which included Leigh Hunt, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Thomas Noon Talfourd, Albany Fonblanque, Walter Savage Landor, Robert Browning, Thomas Carlyle and Charles Dickens.On the death of his friend Alexander Dyce, Forster undertook the publication of his third edition of Shakespeare. Works"Lives of Eminent British Statesmen" (1840)"Treatise on the Popular Progress in English History" (1840)"Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith" (1848, revised 1854)"Biographical and Historical Essays" (1858)"the Arrest of the Five Members by Charles I: a Chapter of English History rewritten" (1860)"The Debates on the Grand Remonstrance, with an Introductory Essay on English Freedom" (1860)"Sir John Eliot: a Biography" (1864) .Life of Landor (1868)Life of Charles Dickens (1872-1874).Life of Swift (1875 unfinished)source: