bookmate game

Fernando Pessoa

  • Александр Розовhas quoted2 years ago
    Lacking the ability to love, we grow weary, even before they are spoken, of the words we would have to say in order to be loved. Besides, which of us wants to be loved? Chateaubriand’s words “on le fatiguait en l’aimant” are not appropriate for us. The very idea of being loved wearies us to the point of alarm.
  • Александр Розовhas quoted2 years ago
    Life for us is whatever we imagine it to be. To the peasant with his one field, that field is everything, it is an empire. To Caesar with his vast empire which still feels cramped, that empire is a field. The poor man has an empire; the great man only a field. The truth is that we possess nothing but our own sensations; it is on them, then, and not on what they perceive, that we must base the reality of our life.

    But all this is apropos of nothing
  • Gullayyyhas quotedlast year
    Pessoa as: “A little fellow with a big head. He was brilliantly clever but quite mad.”
  • Zaahrahas quoted2 years ago
    He was constitutionally condemned to suffer all kinds of anxieties, but fated to abandon them all.
  • Zaahrahas quoted2 years ago
    Though naturally ambitious, he savored the pleasure of having no ambitions at all.
  • Zaahrahas quoted2 years ago
    For Vicente Guedes, being self-aware was an art and a morality; dreaming was a religion.
  • Despandrihas quotedlast year
    Taking nothing seriously and recognizing our sensations as the only reality we have for certain, we take refuge there, exploring them like large unknown countries.
  • Despandrihas quotedlast year
    I asked for very little from life, and even this little was denied me. A nearby field, a ray of sunlight, a little bit of calm along with a bit of bread, not to feel oppressed by the knowledge that I exist, not to demand anything from others, and not to have others demand anything from me – this was denied me, like the spare change we might deny a beggar not because we’re mean-hearted but because we don’t feel like unbuttoning our coat
  • Despandrihas quoted8 months ago
    Ah, who will save me from existing?
  • Despandrihas quoted8 months ago
    Infinite prison – since you’re infinite, there’s no escaping you!
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