
James Dashner

  • melhas quoted8 months ago
    “Where’s Newt?”

    “Right here.”
  • melhas quoted8 months ago
    As though she could read his mind, she brought her arms up and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him close until her mouth was right next to his ear, her breath hot and tingling against his sweat.
  • b2155815048has quoted2 months ago
    All I will say is that sometimes what you see is not real, and sometimes what you do not see is real. We can manipulate your brains and nerve receptacles when necessary.
  • b2155815048has quoted2 months ago
    "Looks like a nuclear holocaust out here.
  • Анюта Бабановаhas quoted2 years ago
    far cry from the terror he should've experienced.

    это было далеко от того ужаса, который он должен был испытать.

  • Анюта Бабановаhas quoted2 years ago
    But happiness had been ripped from their lives. Love had been ripped from their lives.
  • Flam Yahas quotedlast year
    each word ripped his throat raw.
  • Flam Yahas quotedlast year
    A storm of emotions wrenched his gut, twisted and pulled;
  • Flam Yahas quotedlast year
    But laced through it all was the dark feeling of utter hopelessness,
  • Flam Yahas quotedlast year
    A few trees surrounded it, their roots like gnarled hands digging into the rock floor for food.
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