
Oswald Spengler

  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    triglyphs and metopes
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    It was we and not the Hellenes or the men of the high Renaissance that prized and sought out high mountaintops for the sake of the limitless range of vision that they afford. This is a Faustian craving — to be alone with endless space.
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    sub specie aeternitatis
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    dolce far niente
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    Nestorian and Monophysite
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    But the inner relationship between atom theory and ethic goes further. It has been shown how the Faustian soul — whose being consists in the overcoming of presence, whose feeling is loneliness and whose yearning is infinity — puts its need of solitude, distance and abstraction into all its actualities, into its public life, its spiritual and its artistic form worlds alike
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    Gethsemane and Golgotha
  • Liamhas quotedlast year
    The purest symbol of an understanding that has again got beyond language is the old peasant couple sitting in the evening in front of their cottage and entertaining one another without a word’s being passed, each knowing what the other is thinking and feeling. Words would only disturb the harmony.
  • Liamhas quotedlast year
    when after 1789 the notion of mother tongue came to be fitted on to the dynastic principle, the once merely scientific fancy of a primitive Indogermanic people transformed itself into a deeply felt genealogy of “the Aryan race,” and in the process the word “race” became almost a designation for Destiny.
  • Liamhas quotedlast year
    Universal human rights, freedom, and equality are literature and abstraction and not facts.
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