Wildside Press

Published comics


Tatianahas quoted9 months ago
impression of the Honourable Peter Wellingham. The secretary who had received him was an attractive Eurasian, and many of the volumes on the shelves dealt with the Orient. There were antiques, too, placed here and there between the books, all of Eastern origin.
Tatianahas quoted9 months ago
This was a massive Burmese cabinet of dark wood with a number of fretwork cupboards. It seemed to be built into the wall, and there might be a space behind it.
Tatianahas quoted9 months ago
A tall, gaunt man Stepped out, a man with a phenomenally high brow, crowned with a black cap not unlike a biretta; a man whose strange emerald green eyes seemed to gaze, not at Wellingham but through his skull into his brain. He was unmistakably Chinese, unmistakably an aristocrat, and standing there, wearing a plain yellow robe, he radiated force.
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