There had been about two hundred Danish ships at sea on the morning of April 9, 1940, when Hitler invaded Denmark.
Habitante de librohas quotedlast month
Tilde took the cigarette from Peter’s fingers, put it to her own mouth, drew in smoke, and handed the cigarette back. It was an intimate gesture, and he felt almost as if she had kissed him.
Habitante de librohas quoted14 days ago
he had thought, the house would be filled with the laughter of children, and then his dream would have come true.
Habitante de librohas quoted14 days ago
Instead it had turned into a nightmare.
Habitante de librohas quoted7 days ago
The Poles, the Austrians, the Jews and the Slavs would have to take care of themselves. Her job was to take care of Liam and Hugh.