
Frank Ella

  • Lynnhas quoted2 years ago
    No,” Logan finally said, and Tate felt his heart sink. “I’ll never see you that way again. Because before this, I didn’t know you were essential for me to feel alive.”
  • Lynnhas quoted2 years ago
    Well, I mean it,” Tate said, and caught Logan’s chin in his hand. “I’ve had so many amazing moments since you walked into my life, and I know I’m going to have so many more. But right now, here in this moment, I’ve never been happier in my life.
  • b4153725320has quotedlast year
    will always find a way.
    LATER THAT NIGHT, after his shift at The Popped Cherry, Robbie found himself standing in his nonna’s kitchen. It was the first time he’d been home since the accident, and the once bright and lively space was now cast in shadows, as the moonlight slipped through the curtains.
    He still couldn’t believe how much his life had changed over the course of a week. First, he’d started to date, really date, two men. And as if that wasn’t mind-blowing enough—among other things being blown—one was the gorgeous celebrity chef he’d spent most of his twenties fantasizing about, and the other was Joel Priestley, the man who had set him on edge from the minute they’d met. He’d just never known why.
    But now he knew. Priest saw him. He saw Robbie the minute he stepped into view, and from that moment, he’d been watching and waiting for Robbie to stop running. To stop being so scared of taking a risk.
    As he stood there looking around the room where he’d shared many meals with Nonna, Robbie felt his heart tighten. Things could’ve been so much worse; he knew that. He’d seen on Julien’s face last night that something much worse had happened to him, and he’d survived—if not a little bit broken for it.
    But his ma and nonna were right: there was no point in dwelling on what-ifs. He could do that all night, but it was time to move forward. He had no choice, really. Nonna needed to sell the house, and that meant he needed to move out—and that brought him back to the one sentence that had been on a loop in his head all through work.
    “We would like to invite you to come and stay with us.”
    Priest and Julien’s offer. One Robbie had immediately dismissed as too fast and too much, insanity, and declined. But what about any of this was sane? Nothing about their relationship would ever be considered normal, so why was he so scared of this? What was he waiting for? Hadn’t he been the one to tell his ma, to tell Logan, that he was happy? That he wanted this relationship?
    Yes, he had been, and it was true. He did want it.
    Robbie wanted Julien’s smile directed at him, that dimple of his sneaking out to play, making his face impossibly sexier. Robbie wanted Priest’s ever-seeing eyes and serious expression fixed on him as though trying to learn everything he possibly could, because he was interested. Robbie wanted to eat Julien’s food and tell him how delicious each bite was just to see how much it pleased him. And Robbie wanted to kneel by Priest’s tub and serve him in any damn way that man wanted him to.
    He was in deep. Robbie knew that. And even though it was late—early, really—he knew what he wanted to do next. It was a risk, that was for sure, but he knew he’d regret it if he didn’t take it.

    * * *
    THE SOUND OF Priest’s phone vibrating on the side table had him and Julien stretching beneath the covers in the early hours of the morning. They’d both finally drifted off after dinner, where Priest had filled Julien in on the whole Robbie/Logan situation
  • b4153725320has quoted2 years ago
    taste them or feel them against his own.
    How is that even possible? This is Priest, for God’s sake.
    “Because I want to wait,” Priest said.
    Priest leaned in a fraction, and Robbie caught his breath. “What do you think?”
    Oh, just say it, Robbie told himself as he licked his suddenly dry lips, and when the tip of his tongue appeared, Priest growled. “You want to wait until you’re inside me.”
    Priest’s eyes flared, and Robbie reached out and grabbed the back of the low chair for support.
    “Correct.” Priest straightened and looked down to Robbie’s newly interested cock. “And unless you want that to happen right here, over that table, you’re going to want to put your pants back on.”
    Robbie hesitated just long enough for Priest to raise one of his copper-colored eyebrows, and then Julien came up beside him with his clothes.
    “Put your pants on, princesse. You’re going to want something softer than a table under you the first time he takes you.”
    “Want to run away now?” Priest asked.
    “Why would I do that? I already knew you were a giant dick when I agreed to dinner. Your cock doesn’t scare me.”
    Priest’s eyes narrowed. “Put your pants on, Robert.”
    Robbie rolled his eyes, but since he felt stupid standing there with his pants in his hand, he did as he was told—again.
    “I’m going to go and box up dinner. Then we can head out,” Julien said as he walked by Priest and kissed him on the cheek. “Try not to kill each other while I’m gone. I rather enjoyed this.”
    As Julien disappeared inside the elevator, Robbie shook his head. “I don’t know how someone like you ended up with someone as amazing as him. I’m starting to think he didn’t speak English when you met.”
    Priest turned to the table and picked up his laptop. “It’s a long story, but if you’re really interested, then you should come home with us and we’ll tell you all about it.”
    As Priest walked over to the elevator and hit the button, Robbie followed. Then he asked the one thing that had been on his mind since the night of the Christmas party: “I don’t get all of this. What do you two want from me? Is it just about—”
    “Sex? No,” Priest said, as the door slid open and he gestured inside.
    Annoyed at being cut off, Robbie walked in ahead of him while Priest hit the button for the first floor, and as the doors slid shut, enclosing them in the small space, Priest said, “We want everything.”

    * * *
    PRIEST FIGURED IT wouldn’t take longer than three, two, one—
    “What do you mean you want everything?” Robbie’s hand on his arm had Priest looking over his shoulder at the baffled expression etched into Robbie’s beautiful face—and yes, Robbie had an exquisitely beautiful face. With his fine features, Robbie was stunning to look at. His hair was thick, with honeyed highlights that caught the light every now and then, and right now it was a little messy from Priest and Julien’s hands.
    “Priest?” Robbie said, as the door slid open.
    Julien was coming down the hall with two black carry bags, and Robbie’s coat over his arm. He l

    gustă - le sau simte-le împotriva lui.
    Cum e posibil așa ceva? Acesta este preotul, pentru numele lui Dumnezeu.
    "Pentru că vreau să aștept", a spus preotul.
    Priest se aplecă într-o fracțiune, iar Robbie își respira respirația. "Ce crezi?”
    Oh, spune-o, și-a spus Robbie în timp ce își linge buzele brusc uscate, iar când i-a apărut vârful limbii, Priest a mârâit. "Vrei să aștepți până când ești în mine.”
    Ochii preotului s-au aprins, iar Robbie a întins mâna și a apucat spătarul scaunului jos pentru sprijin.
    "Corect."Priest s-a îndreptat și s-a uitat în jos la cocoșul nou interesat al lui Robbie. "Și dacă nu vrei ca asta să se întâmple chiar aici, peste acea masă, vei dori să-ți pui pantalonii înapoi.”
    Robbie a ezitat suficient de mult pentru ca Priest să-și ridice una dintre sprâncenele de culoare aramă, iar apoi Julien a venit lângă el cu hainele.
    "Pune-ți pantalonii pe tine, prințesă. Vei dori ceva mai moale decât o masă sub tine prima dată când te ia.”
    "Vrei să fugi acum?"A întrebat preotul.
    "De ce aș face asta? Știam deja că ești un penis uriaș când am fost de acord cu cina. Penisul tău nu mă sperie.”
    Ochii preotului s-au îngustat. "Pune-ți pantalonii pe tine, Robert.”
    Robbie și—a dat ochii peste cap, dar din moment ce se simțea prost stând acolo cu pantalonii în mână, a făcut așa cum i s-a spus-din nou.
    "Mă duc să iau cina. Apoi putem ieși", a spus Julien în timp ce trecea pe lângă Priest și l-a sărutat pe obraz. "Încercați să nu vă omorâți unii pe alții cât sunt plecat. Mai degrabă mi-a plăcut asta.”
    Când Julien a dispărut în lift, Robbie a clătinat din cap. "Nu știu cum cineva ca tine a ajuns cu cineva la fel de uimitor ca el. Încep să cred că nu vorbea engleza când te-ai întâlnit.”
    Preotul se întoarse spre masă și își ridică laptopul. "Este o poveste lungă, dar dacă sunteți cu adevărat interesat, atunci ar trebui să veniți acasă cu noi și vă vom spune totul despre asta.”
    În timp ce Priest se îndrepta spre lift și apăsa butonul, Robbie l-a urmat. Apoi a întrebat singurul lucru care i-a fost în minte încă din noaptea petrecerii de Crăciun: "nu înțeleg toate acestea. Ce vreți de la mine? Este vorba doar despre—"
    "Sex? Nu", a spus preotul, în timp ce ușa s-a deschis și a făcut semn înăuntru.
    Supărat că a fost tăiat, Robbie a intrat în fața lui în timp ce Priest a apăsat butonul pentru primul etaj, iar când ușile s-au închis, închizându-le în spațiul mic, Priest a spus: "Vrem totul.”

    * * *
    Preotul s-a gândit că nu va dura mai mult de trei, doi, unu—
    "Cum adică vrei totul?"Mâna lui Robbie pe braț îl avea pe Priest uitându—se peste umăr la expresia nedumerită gravată pe fața frumoasă a lui Robbie și da, Robbie avea o față extrem de frumoasă. Cu trăsăturile sale fine, Robbie era uimitor de privit. Părul lui era gros, cu accente de miere care prindeau lumina din când în când, iar acum era puțin dezordonat din mâinile lui Priest și Julien.
    "Preot?"A spus Robbie, când ușa s-a deschis.
    Julien cobora pe hol cu două genți negre și haina lui Robbie peste braț. El l

  • Deza Diegohas quoted2 years ago
    “That was better, but I still think we’re missing something. You’re getting the frustration across like you want, but your voice is too smooth, my man. What do you do, drink hot tea and lemon every night?”

    I snorted. “Nah. I get what you’re saying, though. I want some gravel to it. Some grit. My voice just isn’t cooperating.”
  • Deza Diegohas quoted2 years ago
    “That was the cheesiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard you say.” Killian was shaking his head in mock disgust. “You two gonna make out right here? Maybe go get a room.”
  • b4153725320has quoted2 years ago
    Well, I didn’t see that coming.
    AFTER PRIEST HAD parked the car and they’d all headed upstairs to the condo, Julien made his way into the kitchen. Priest followed, putting the bag on the center island, and Robbie kicked off his shoes and padded over to the sheer white curtains pulled across the doors that led out onto the balcony.
    Julien busied himself getting out plates and utensils while Priest unpacked the containers from the restaurant. In the car on the way home, he had called the cleaning crew he’d hired for the premises to have them come out and take care of the kitchen and skybox after their little visit to JULIEN, and now that everything was starting to settle, Julien allowed what had happened tonight to replay over in his mind.
    “Are you okay?” Priest asked, and Julien nodded.
    “Oui, mon amour. That was different tonight, wasn’t it?” He didn’t have to elaborate; Julien knew that Priest would understand exactly what he was talking about. That moment where Robbie had been between them and they’d each had their hands and mouths on him. Instead of things being fast and furious, as it had been in the past with others, things had slowed down and turned sensual, and the two of them had fallen into sync with one another as they worked together to please and win over Robbie.
    “It was,” Priest said.
    Julien looked over to Robbie and nodded. “We’ve been looking for so long that I never actually thought we’d find him.”
    “I know.”
    “But it’s never felt like that before. I believe I was caught a little…off guard.”
    Priest moved in behind him and put his lips to the shell of Julien’s ear. “As was I. You two together make quite the picture. So much so that I’m finding it difficult to merely watch.”
    Julien rested against the solid wall that was Priest’s chest. “Then he’s definitely the one.”
    “Yes. He is.” Priest stepped around Julien and said, “We need to talk to him. See where he stands on all of this.”
    “That we do,” Julien said, because all of this would be for nothing if Robbie wasn’t interested in the more of it all. They could easily go out and find a third for their bed, and had done so in the past. But they were beyond that now. They were sick of nameless faces between them, of meaningless nights with a body that would take on, and complement, the both of theirs and then leave the next day.
    They wanted someone who not only fit them physically but who also completed the complicated, jagged puzzle that was them. And what it came down to was whether Robbie believed that he was the right piece. Did he even want to date them? Because they sure wanted to date him.
    “Robert?” Priest said, and when Robbie turned to look in their direction, Julien drank in the sight of him all over again. He was stunning, and Julien couldn’t help but wonder how he’d look stripped completely bare. The taste they’d gotten tonight had merely been a tease.
    “Would you like something to drink with dinner?” Priest asked.
    Robbie shook his head. “Just a water’s good.”
    “Very wel

    Nu mă așteptam la asta.
    După ce PRIEST a parcat mașina și s-au îndreptat cu toții sus spre apartament, Julien a intrat în bucătărie. Priest a urmat, punând geanta pe insula centrală, iar Robbie și-a dat jos pantofii și s-a căptușit pe perdelele albe trase peste ușile care duceau pe balcon.
    Julien se ocupa să scoată farfurii și ustensile în timp ce Priest despacheta recipientele din restaurant. În mașină, în drum spre casă, sunase echipa de curățenie pe care o angajase pentru sediu pentru a-i face să iasă și să aibă grijă de bucătărie și skybox după mica lor vizită la JULIEN, iar acum că totul începea să se stabilească, Julien a permis ca ceea ce se întâmplase în seara asta să se repete în mintea lui.
    "Ești bine?"A întrebat preotul, iar Julien a dat din cap.
    "Da, dragă. Asta a fost diferit în seara asta, nu-i așa?"Nu trebuia să elaboreze; Julien știa că Priest va înțelege exact despre ce vorbea. Acel moment în care Robbie a fost între ei și fiecare avea mâinile și gura pe el. În loc ca lucrurile să fie rapide și furioase, așa cum a fost în trecut cu alții, lucrurile au încetinit și au devenit senzuale, iar cei doi au căzut în sincronizare unul cu celălalt în timp ce lucrau împreună pentru a-l mulțumi și a-l câștiga pe Robbie.
    "A fost", a spus preotul.
    Julien se uită la Robbie și dădu din cap. "Am căutat atât de mult timp încât nu am crezut niciodată că îl vom găsi.”
    "Dar nu s-a mai simțit niciodată așa. Cred că am fost prins puțin ... cu garda jos.”
    Preotul s-a mutat în spatele lui și și-a pus buzele pe coaja urechii lui Julien. "Așa cum am fost Eu. voi doi împreună face destul de imagine. Atât de mult încât mi-e greu să mă uit.”
    Julien s-a sprijinit de peretele solid care era pieptul preotului. "Atunci el este cu siguranță cel.”
    "Da. El este."Preotul a pășit în jurul lui Julien și a spus, "trebuie să vorbim cu el. Vezi unde stă în toate astea.”
    "Asta facem", a spus Julien, pentru că toate acestea ar fi degeaba dacă Robbie nu ar fi interesat de mai mult de toate. Puteau ieși cu ușurință și să găsească o treime pentru patul lor, și au făcut-o în trecut. Dar erau dincolo de asta acum. S-au săturat de chipuri fără nume între ei, de nopți fără sens, cu un corp care să le ia și să le completeze pe amândouă și apoi să plece a doua zi.
    Au vrut pe cineva care nu numai că le-a potrivit fizic, dar care a completat și puzzle-ul complicat și zimțat care erau ei. Și ce s-a întâmplat a fost dacă Robbie credea că el era piesa potrivită. A vrut măcar să se întâlnească cu ei? Pentru că voiau să iasă cu el.
    "Robert?"A spus preotul, și când Robbie s-a întors să se uite în direcția lor, Julien a băut în fața lui din nou. Era uimitor, iar Julien nu s-a putut abține să nu se întrebe cum ar arăta dezbrăcat complet gol. Gustul pe care l-au avut în seara asta a fost doar o tachinare.
    "Vrei ceva de băut cu cina?"A întrebat preotul.
    Robbie clătină din cap. "Doar o apă e bună.”
    "Foarte bine

  • Deza Diegohas quoted2 years ago
    The angel had said he wanted a date, and wasn’t this what people did on dates? Asked about exes?
  • Deza Diegohas quoted2 years ago
    “Don’t be nervous,” Viper said, then took a sip of his coffee as he surveyed the chaos.

    “I’m not.”

    He snorted and looked at me out of the corner of his eye. “Yeah, okay. Because I can’t read you like a fuckin’ book.”

    “You don’t read books.”
  • Deza Diegohas quoted2 years ago
    “By the way, we’re never letting you leave, so don’t even think about it,” Jagger added, and then looked at Killian. “That was in his contract, right?”

    “In the fine print.” Killian winked.

    “Good.” Jagger pushed his shot glass forward and waved his hand. “Another round.”
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