bookmate game

Timberlane Press

  • Росен Христовhas quoted2 years ago
    , he would black out
  • Росен Христовhas quoted2 years ago
    punched-out sockets.
  • Росен Христовhas quoted2 years ago
    toes of his leather boots scraped along the stone floor,
  • tvojakevaneznahas quoted2 years ago
    Without her aunt, she’d have no reason to pretend anymore. No one to convince that she was still human with a human heart
  • tvojakevaneznahas quoted2 years ago
    Lou knew the truth.

    That if someone opened her up, they would find only darkness inside.
  • tvojakevaneznahas quoted2 years ago
    So many men in the world that she wanted to see at the other end of her gun
  • tajmasarrahas quoted2 years ago
    The sound of a hungry beast in pursuit,
  • tajmasarrahas quoted2 years ago
    Waiting for orders. Waiting to die
  • haniehq95has quoted2 years ago
    was now. He’d made it through the bowels of the church up to the nave. There was only the center aisle and then the door that would let him out of this place.
    Only a few feet more…
    Yet the world was shaking. No, he was shaking. From blood loss and coursing pain. His body would go into complete shock at any moment.
    “No?” Nico teased again. His voice hissed directly into Konstantine’s ear now. “Surely you knew this was how you would die. Surely you knew I would be the one.”
    Konstantine supposed he did know he would die like this. On his back, his guts pumped f
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