Frederich Nietzsche

  • Dimitrije Balabanovichas quotedlast year
    The Origin of the Moral Emotions; its author, Dr Paul Rée
  • Dimitrije Balabanovichas quoted7 months ago
    a sheer matter of habit, they were praised as good, came also to be felt as good
  • Dimitrije Balabanovichas quoted7 months ago
    was out of this pathos of distance that they first arrogated the right to create values for their own profit, and to coin the names of such values
  • Dimitrije Balabanovichas quoted6 months ago
    The masters’ right of giving names goes so far that it is permissible to look upon language itself as the expression of the power of the masters: they say ‘this is that, and that,’ they seal finally every object and every event with a sound, and thereby at the same time take possession of it.
  • Dimitrije Balabanovichas quoted6 months ago
    Herbert Spencer, who places the concept ‘good’ as essentially similar to the concept ‘useful,’ ‘purposive,’
  • Dimitrije Balabanovichas quoted6 months ago
    schlecht’ itself: this word is identical with ‘schlicht’ – (compare ‘schlechtweg’ and ‘schlechterdings’) – which, originally and as yet without any sinister innuendo, simply denoted the plebeian man in contrast to the aristocratic man
  • Dimitrije Balabanovichas quoted6 months ago
    δειλός (the plebeian in contrast to the ἀγαθός)
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