William Henry Pyle

  • krstlannhas quoted2 years ago
    hing or an event always points beyond itself to something else. This something else is what goes before it or comes after it,—is its cause or its effect.
  • krstlannhas quoted2 years ago
    what the child’s original nature is. This means that we must know the instincts and all the other inherited capacities and tendencies. We must know the laws of building up habits and of acquiring knowledge, the laws of retention and the laws of attention.
  • As Trohas quotedlast year
    second question is also answered. Psychological analysis reveals the fact that education is a process of becoming adjusted to the world. It is the process of acquiring the habits, knowledge, and ideals suited to the life we are to live. The child in being educated learns what the world is and how to act in it—how to act in all the various situations of life.
  • As Trohas quotedlast year
    The second question is also answered. Psychological analysis reveals the fact that education is a process of becoming adjusted to the world. It is the process of acquiring the habits, knowledge, and ideals suited to the life we are to live. The child in being educated learns what the world is and how to act in it—how to act in all the various situations of life.
  • b9136302389has quoted10 months ago
    means only that in certain well-defined situations certain events always take place, according to all previous observations.
  • raz Robichauxhas quotedlast year
    The man is sensitive and has the power of action, the power of moving himself
  • b7132637967has quoted2 years ago
    one bit of rock tells its story to one who inquires into its causes.
  • b7132637967has quoted2 years ago
    The one bit of rock tells its story to one who inquires into its causes.
  • b7132637967has quoted2 years ago
    the study of sensitivity, action, and consciousness is the field of psychology.
  • b7132637967has quoted2 years ago
    enable them to make a living when grown
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