William T Cavanaugh

  • Islam Akhmarhas quoted8 months ago
    The myth of religious violence tries to establish as timeless, universal, and natural a very contingent set of categories—religious and secular—that are in fact constructions of the modern West. Those who do not accept these categories as timeless, universal, and natural are subject to coercion.
  • Islam Akhmarhas quoted8 months ago
    Society is structured in such a way as to make the categories through which the myth operates seem given and inevitable.
  • Islam Akhmarhas quoted8 months ago
    The point is not simply that secular violence should be given equal attention to religious violence. The point is that the very distinction between secular and religious violence is unhelpful, misleading, and mystifying
  • Islam Akhmarhas quoted8 months ago
    In the West, the religious-secular distinction has been used to marginalize certain practices as inherently nonrational and potentially violent, and thus to be privatized, in order to clear the way for the more “rational” and peace-making pursuits of the state and the market
  • Islam Akhmarhas quoted4 months ago
    the myth of religious violence is so prevalent because, while it delegitimates certain kinds of violence, it is used to legitimate other kinds of violence, namely, violence done in the name of secular, Western ideals.
  • Islam Akhmarhas quoted4 months ago
    they mistake a contingent power arrangement of the modern West for a universal and timeless feature of human existence.
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