
Christopher Marlowe

Christopher "Kit" Marlowe (baptised 26 February 1564) was an English dramatist, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. The foremost Elizabethan tragedian next to William Shakespeare, he is known for his magnificent blank verse, his overreaching protagonists, and his own mysterious and untimely death.The author's Wikipedia page.
years of life: 26 February 1564 9 June 1593

Book translations


agnesesolfrinihas quotedlast year
BARABAS. Now I remember those old women's words,
agnesesolfrinihas quotedlast year
Who in my wealth would tell me winter's tales,

And speak of spirits and ghosts that glide by night

About the place where treasure hath been hid:

And now methinks that I am one of those;

For, whilst I live, here lives my soul's sole hope,

And, when I die, here shall my spirit walk.
agnesesolfrinihas quotedlast year
Who in my wealth would tell me winter's tales,

And speak of spirits and ghosts that glide by night

About the place where treasure hath been hid:

And now methinks that I am one of those;


Carla del Solshared an impression2 years ago
👍Worth reading

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