Over the following year, three options for Hong Kong were considered in Whitehall. Firstly, all work on physical defences could be stopped forthwith, and the garrison reduced to a purely nominal strength, in effect proclaiming the whole colony an “open city.” Secondly, the existing policy could be overtly continued, with a covert addendum calling for the destruction of all strategic resources (primarily the dockyards, oil farms and wireless station—at that time the airfield facilities were quite limited) in the face of an imminent threat, together with the evacuation of the garrison and those non-Asian civilians who might wish to leave and, finally, relinquishment of the colony upon the onset of war. Or, thirdly, the existing intention of holding the island until the arrival of a relief force, while stopping all further work on the mainland defences with the intention of merely fighting a delaying action there, could be maintained.