Parents’ imaginations build frameworks out of their own hopes and regrets into which children seldom grow, but instead, contrary as trees, lean sideways out of the architecture, blown by a fatal wind their parents never envisaged.
Anaghahas quotedlast year
I have learned to smoke because I need something to hold on to. I dare not be without a cigarette in my hand. If I should be looking the other way when the hour of doom is struck, how shall I avoid being turned into stone unless I can remember something to do which will lead me back to the simplicity and safety of daily living?
Anaghahas quotedlast year
So it is tomorrow’s breakfast rather than the future’s blood that dictates fatal forbearance.
Anaghahas quotedlast year
Sure, there’s love to be made, but there are also bills to be paid and groceries to be bought.
valeriahas quotedlast year
The very silence, the very avoiding of any intimacy between us, when he, when he was only a word, was able to cause me sleepless nights and shivers of intimation, is the more dangerous.
valeriahas quotedlast year
returning to Canada through the fall sunshine, I look homeward now and melt, for though I am crowned and anointed with love and have obtained from life all I asked, what am I as I enter my parents’ house but another prodigal daughter?
♡emma♡has quotedlast year
No, my advocates, my angels with sadist eyes, this is the beginning of my life, or the end.