The Beacon Second Reader is a collection of classical fairy tales arranged by James H. Fassett. Excerpt: “There was once an old goat who had seven little kids. She loved them all as much as any mother ever loved her children. One day the old goat wished to go into the woods to get food for her kids. Before she started she called them all to her and said: “Dear children, I am going into the woods. Now do not open the door while I am away. If the old wolf should get into our hut, he would eat you all up, and not a hair would be left. You can easily tell him by his rough voice and his black feet.” “Dear mother,” cried all the young kids, “we will be very careful not to let the old wolf in. You need not think of us at all, for we shall be quite safe.” So the old goat went on her way into the dark woods. She had not been gone long when there came a loud rap at the door, and a voice cried: “Open the door, my dear children. I have something here for each of you.” But the young kids knew by the rough voice that this was the old wolf.”