In magical terms, the book is a practical guide to the proper evocation of and communication with spiritual, magical and divine entities. It is perhaps the only truly significant modern study of direct contact with the universal teachers — the other major works in the field are products of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation periods. But beyond that, there is a fascinating glimpse into a complete magical universe. Bardon outlines a totally new and original hierarchy of magic, from the spirits of the four elements to those of the various planets, and even to each degree of the zodiac. Included with the names and descriptions of the various entities are a collection of previously unknown magical sigils, as well as a true account of ancient astrology.
The High Priestess
The Magical Aids
The Magic Circle
The Magic Triangle
The Magic Censer
The Magic Mirror
The Magic Lamp
The Magic Wand
The Magic Sword, Dagger and Trident
The Magic Crown, Cap and Magus-Band
The Magical Garment
The Magical Belt
Further Magical Aids
The Pentacle, Lamen or Seal
The Book of Magic Formulae
In the Domain of the Spirit Beings
Advantages and Disadvantages of Evocational Magic
The Spiritus Familiaris or Serving Spirits
Magical Evocation
The Practice of Magical Evocation
1. The Beings of the Four Elements
2. Some Original Intelligences of the Zone Girdling the Earth
3. The 360 Heads of the Zone Girdling the Earth
4. The Intelligences of the Moon Sphere
5. The 72 Intelligences of the Mercury Zone
6. The Intelligences of the Venus Sphere
7. The Genii of the Sun Sphere
8. The Intelligences of the Mars Sphere
9. The Genii of the Jupiter Sphere
10. The Saturn Sphere
11. The Spheres of Uranus and Pluto
12. Intercourse with the Beings, Genii and Intelligences of all Spheres by Mental Travelling
13. Magical Talismanology
– 1. Being of the four elements
– 2. Some original intelligences of the zone girdling of Earth
– 3. The 360 Heads of the zone girdling the Earth
– 4. Intelligences of the Moon Sphere
– 5. The 72 intelligences of the Mercury Zone
– 6. Intelligences of the Venus Sphere
– 7. Genii of the Sun Sphere
– 8. Genii if the Jupiter Sphere