In “By Canoe and Dog Train Among The Cree and Salteaux Indians,” Egerton Ryerson Young presents an evocative narrative that seeks to bridge cultural divides while chronicling his experiences among the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Written in a detailed and accessible style, this work combines elements of travelogue and ethnography, providing readers with vivid descriptions of the landscapes and societies encountered. The book delves into the lives of the Cree and Salteaux, offering insight into their customs, traditions, and the impact of European encroachment during the late 19th century, making it a valuable document in both literary and historical contexts. Egerton Ryerson Young was a Methodist missionary and a prominent figure in the establishment of Indigenous education in Canada. His experiences as a missionary placed him at the intersection of two worlds, allowing him to articulate the complexities and nuances of Indigenous life in a rapidly changing environment. Young's sincere engagement with the Cree and Salteaux peoples illustrates his commitment to understanding their plight, shaped by the cultural and social dynamics of his time. This book is highly recommended for readers who seek to explore the rich tapestry of Indigenous cultures through the lens of a compassionate observer. Young's heartfelt narrative not only serves as an enduring testament to the resilience of the Cree and Salteaux, but also offers essential reflections on cross-cultural interactions that remain relevant today.