Learn to create a ring, designed with pointed edges that wraps your finger when wearing it. It actually feels comfortable on your finger. Using only a minimum of 3 colors of seed beads, the ring's pattern of colors is showing from light to dark. You can also play with colors and make a ring that will match every outfit.
Measuring approximately 1.70 inches long and .70 inches wide, you can finish the ring within an hour.
The tutorial is catered for intermediate students. A basic knowledge of Herringbone and Peyote Stitch is required.in creating the ring. It has in-depth instructions and ultra-clear, close-up photos at each step. Additionally, you can ask me question you have on the tutorial. No more getting stuck and frustrated on a confusing or just plain inaccurate pattern.
If you followed this tutorial and then sell the accessory or jewelry, please give credit to the author or DIY Beading Club.com. You can click on the materials list for supplies resources.